Sunday, February 27, 2011

Soccer Season Begins!

Zach is a soccer fanatic. He has played since he was a young kid in clubs then played in high school and leagues in college and as an adult. He loves this sport. I grew up playing volleyball and basketball, my tiny South Texas school didn't have a soccer team, so I could have cared less, until last summer. The FIFA World Cup (which I have to say in it's entirety because it's just so fun to say FIFA) was in full swing and we cheered on Landon Donovan and the entire USA team! Much to Zach's delight we became a soccer family!

Fast forward seven months and Kristyn has decided she wants to play soccer. Zach has coached little league in the past and thought this would be a great experience for him and Kristyn to spend quality time together. We signed them both up and this weekend the Blazing Blueberries had their first game!

Coach Zach watches over as the girls start to warm up.

Coach Zach gives the Blazing Blueberries a pep talk as they get ready to start their first game!

Kristyn (#7) is getting ready to get in on the action.

Coach Zach just finished encouraging one of the players as she get ready to go back into the game.

Bubba was a tad bored, but cheered on his sister's team the whole time.

Kristyn and her teammate get ready for a kick off.

My favorite Blueberry after the game!

They didn't win, but they had fun and had a great time as they started their Spring season!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Vanity and Pregnancy Do Not Mix!

Ok, so I realize vanity doesn't mix well as a believer in my Lord and Savior either, but as my body continues to change due to the growing human inside of me I am realizing just how vain I really am. 

Exhibit A: A good friend mentioned that I was starting to "show."  I immediately rebuked her, explaining I was simply out of shape and have not been able to do strenuous ab exercises to keep the belly fat down. This has always been a "trouble area" for me, it was due to lack of exercise and not because I was 10 1/2 weeks pregnant. You see, with Sissy, I was nearly 6 months pregnant before I even got a "baby bump," and with Bubba I was about 4 months pregnant before I started "showing."  The idea that in my first trimester I might be showing, for lack of a better description, freaked me out!

Now this one little statement, and me blowing it out of proportion, has led me to feeling "frumpy" and "fat" for the past couple of days. And as any woman can tell you that can weigh down your mood (no pun intended but still kinda funny). It has even effected how I respond to simple comments my husband makes:
Zach: Did you get a chance to take the car to the dealership to get the a/c checked out.
Me: No, I'm sorry I'm so fat and lazy.

Ok, that conversation did not actually go like that, but I have been overly sensitive to simple questions and comments. As I was putting on a Bella Band that my sister gave me (I did this in silent protest), I realized just how vain I was being.

I am pregnant.

My body is changing.

I am not going to fit into my jeans for a very long time.

So, I decided that I needed to know what the Lord said on this manner. Not the body changing issue, but my blatant problem with vanity.  Let me tell you, what I found humbled me immediately.

"Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30
Ah, the Proverbs 31 woman. It seems no matter what issue I have, she is a great example. I have been falling for the deceit of vanity. My focus has not been on the glorious things God is doing with my body because it is being prepared to be a home for one of His children.

"Do not let your adorning be external--the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear-- but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious." 1 Peter 3:3-4 (emphasis was mine)

I am worrying about nonsense. I am focusing my energy thoughts on the ridiculousness of if my jeans fit or not. I am worried about the clothing I wear instead of focusing on my gentle and quiet spirit. God finds me beautiful not matter what my body is doing (as does my husband), as long as I am using my energy in obedience to Him. I have let this consume my thoughts, when it is clear on what I should be spending my time.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. " Philippians 4:8

My "feeling fat" does not fall into any of the above categories mentioned in Phil. 4:8. But you know what does? God has blessed our family, entrusted us, to have another child. That we will raise to revere and love the Lord, and teach him or her the true love and grace that comes from Jesus Christ's sacrifice. My body is changing... Great! That means the baby is healthy, and growing right on schedule.

Whatever is true: I am pregnant.
Whatever is honorable: Zach and I will raising my child to know God's truths.
Whatever is just: my body is changing differently then when I was pregnant with Kristyn... Well that happens when you are 28 versus 18.
Whatever is lovely: I am having a baby!!!
Whatever is commendable: My God loves me and thinks I am beautiful.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Am I committed to God? Or just interested?

I saw the following as the status of my cousin on his facebook page. "There's a difference between 'interest' and 'commitment.' When you're 'interested' in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're 'committed' to something, you accept no excuses, only results."

It made me stop and think... Am I committed to my relationship with God or am I simply interested? Am I committed to growing in my faith, or does it sound like an interesting idea?  Am I committed to studying God's word more and finding deeper truths, or only when I feel like I've had enough sleep to wake up early enough for a quiet time?

I recently went on a women's retreat with the ladies of my church. What a blessing it was!  I was encouraged throughout the retreat on various aspects of my spiritual life, but was convicted in my daily routine when it came to intentional time spent with my Lord.  The above quote reinforced that I need to show commitment to studying of God's word. I need to be committed in my time with Him. When we take a step back, and look at our lives what do we find we are committed?  Television shows? Video games? Reading? All of these are 'fine' but when they take priority over other aspects that deserve our commitment I think we, at least I, should reevaluate my priorities and commitments. 

Many of us may find ourselves overly committed, which really translates to having a lot of interests. Because if we over exert our efforts we can't be wholly successful in the areas in which we are truly being called.

I am in the process of figuring out my daily routine and prioritizing my commitments, and following God's prompting so that I can see the results of His grace!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Day at a New Job

Yesterday, I started my new job... Well it is a job I have held briefly in the past, but after prayerful consideration we decided I should change careers again. I became a stay-at-home mom.  This is what Zach and I decided was best for our kids, all three of them.

So my first day at my new job started with a trip to the dentist's office. I am so excited. I have the kids ready, lunches are packed, book bags are packed, and now they are packed in the car. I feel like this is going to be great!  We are running early (something that never occurred when I was a "working mom"). In my mind I say, Now as a stay at home mom I will be early always.  We drive down Buffalo Gap, and I am singing to myself, so cheerful, so happy, This is the day the Lord has made.  I am made to be a stay at home mom.

We arrive at the dentist's office with ten minutes to spare.  I am hoping they can be seen a little early so they miss less school. The receptionist calls me up to her desk:

Her: Um, Mrs. Fulton?
Me: Yes ma'am.
Her: It seems that the kids are a bit early for their appointment.
Me: (I smile to myself), Oh yes, I know their appointment isn't for another ten minutes, so we can just wait.
Her: (Now she is smiling too) Yes, you see their appointments are for tomorrow at 8:20....
Me: (I now feel sheepish and wonder why I didn't look at the markerboard calendar we have hanging up in our kitchen to remind us of times and DAYS of appointments)  Is that right?  Well, then, we'll see you tomorrow.

I laugh at myself, and walk the kids back to the car and drive them to school. What a great start to my first day at my new job! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Soap Box for today

"Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her." Proverbs 8:10-11

I read these verses this morning and came to a halt, because I realized that this, unfortunately, seems to be a foreign concept in today's society.  Instruction, knowledge, wisdom, all things that seem to be over shadowed with the idea that I need to have the most money, or the most "toys!"  I see this in churches today as well as secular society.  Looking though at "society," some of the highest paid TV personalities are the cast of Jersey Shore, the men and women selling themselves on The Bachelor, Charlie Sheen.  These are who have "made it." They have found worth, and fortune through their money and fame; however, they lack discernment, judgement, instruction and knowledge. So many are missing the big picture: Wisdom's worth far exceeds any monetary value people find in entertainment, money, jobs...

May the Lord, instruct the Fultons, and may we always remember to seek wisdom, for it's worth beats a new car, vacation, furniture any day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

West Texas Ski Lessons

Today was a snow day.  We got between 3-6 inches of snow here in Abilene (depending on who you ask), and the city seems to have shut down!  Well, at least the schools did. So this mom got a snow day too!  Zach took this opportunity to widen our son's horizons and gave him skiing lessons in our front yard. (Sorry for the angle, you have to look at it sideways oops!)

Baby Talk

As it would turn out I stink at blogging. Mainly because I have not set aside the time to do so.  But here I go. February 1 (a month after resolutions should've been made) and I am going try my best to stay up to date as I "blog" about my incredible family.

That incredible family is in fact expanding!

That's right, a new Fulton will be added to our family sometime in September 2011. Yes it was planned, we just didn't think it would happen this soon. Zach and I, though, said we are leaving it in God's hands and He hasn't disappointed us yet with His plans. So we are prepping for our cub to join us this year.

The most popular question so far has been how did you tell Zach... Well, that story isn't so fun... He was with me and we looked at the sticks together... Yes, sticks plural. I was so excited, shocked, unsure I peed on multiple sticks, and Zach waited patiently and lovingly all 12 minutes!  Now how we told the kids, that is a much better story. But instead of telling you I will let you see for yourselves.

Preface: We served dinner that night and the menu was baby back ribs, baby corn, baby spinach and baby carrots (yes I totally stole that from Becky and Uncle Jesse!)