Monday, May 16, 2011

Falling behind...

Ok, so I fell a week behind.  Last week at 21 weeks our cub was approximately the size of a banana, and he certainly has started acting b-a-n-a-n-a-s! Lots of wiggling and kicking going on in there. 

On this week's fruit photo is labeled "month 5"... MONTH 5?!?!?! When did that happen? I mean seriously, where has the time gone. I am just now getting to enjoying my baby bump and all the twitches, actually feel like movement of my cub... Not to mention it would be helpful to have a mattress for this kid's crib. Oh well, that's what the summer's for I guess. Anyone like to paint?  Regardless of my momentary freak outs of not having enough time I still need to find time to search for our cub-sized produce.  This week will be a little more difficult to find our "cub is" produce, though.  I am not sure papayas are wildly available in the metropolis of Abilene! :) I will still try and find one though, I may have to settle for the photo and some papaya juice from H-E-B.  We shall see.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


As we stroll down the produce aisle  we find that our little cub is a cantaloupe.  The kids were a tad disappointed in the cub's development this week. Mainly because we make a snack, side dish, or a meal out of what the cub "is." Turns out Sissy and Bubba are not fans of cantaloupe.  Oh well, hopefully next week will be more appetizing to them. :)